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At Vessel Pilates, our mission is to cultivate a welcoming, non-judgmental and supportive space for women, helping them heal through the power of movement, nourishing food and self-care. 

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We all love Taco Tuesday, but when it comes to eating Paleo, taco salads can get a bit boring after a while. Luckily, Siete is here to save us! Those of us trying to stay strong in our eating habits no longer have to suffer when we have a craving for a good old fashioned taco! This recipe is super adaptable and gets the stamp of approval from kids as well!

Have you heard of dry brushing? It’s been around for hundreds of years and is part of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine that is used for many different things from skin health to detoxing. We love dry brushing at Vessel and incorporate it into our own health routines. Whether you begin by just brushing your face or include the entire body, you’re sure to notice a difference!

One of the great thing about our Vessel community is that everyone has something interesting to share. As you’re probably aware, many of us love reading, and one of our members has her own Instagram page dedicated to books!

It’s always such a pleasure to see Huyen at the studio. She has the biggest smile and is probably one of the sweetest people you will ever meet! There is so much to her and once you start a conversation with her, you won’t want it to end!

Have you heard the term sober curious? While society has become much more focused on alcohol (especially post-COVID), many wellness advocates turning to non-alcoholic alternatives. When we go out with friends, the norm is to go out for drinks, or at least drink while out doing other things. Even though we are not alcohol shaming (I mean, a clean margarita is one of our favorite ways to celebrate!), we do think it’s a good time to start exploring healthier options!


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