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At Vessel Pilates, our mission is to cultivate a welcoming, non-judgmental and supportive space for women, helping them heal through the power of movement, nourishing food and self-care. 

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Spring is a time of growth and new life. Flowers start to bud and the trees turn green. After a dormant winter, things begin to perk up and shine. What better time to work on your own internal garden — the one that makes you YOU.

Join us in this month’s March Matness challenge.

Self love is about doing something every day to fill your cup – big or small.

There isn’t much more pampering than a good skincare routine with good-for-your-skin products. At Vessel, we like to use products natural and free of harmful chemicals. So many of today’s products contain endocrine-disrupting additives that mess with your body’s natural processes. For some great information about where you can find hormone disruptors in everyday items, […]

Valentine’s Day is next week so of course we wanted to share some of our favorite treats with you! In trying to stay away from refined sugar as much as possible since it is shown to increase inflammation in the body, the following recipes and suggestions are refined-sugar free! The recipe pictured above has 3-4 […]


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