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At Vessel Pilates, our mission is to cultivate a welcoming, non-judgmental and supportive space for women, helping them heal through the power of movement, nourishing food and self-care. 

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Rebound & Align is the class you don’t know you’re missing! Even if you’re really good about balancing your workouts by including strength training, stretching and high/low impact activities, you are probably not including something like this.

With the weather change this week, it’s a good time to start making sure you’re boosting that immune system! The fall and winter are prime sick seasons so don’t go unprepared. We’ve gathered a few tips for making sure your body is ready to fight off those nasty germs.

We absolutely love learning about our members. Terez is a regular at the studio and for those who haven’t met her, we hope you’ll have a chance to introduce yourself soon. Here bubbly personality is felt whenever she enters a room!

October was declared Breast Cancer Awareness Month in 1985. It was created to raise awareness about early detection and encourage women to get a mammogram. While it was originally a collaboration between the American Cancer Association and a pharmaceutical company with the sole purpose of encouraging mammograms, it is now much bigger. Today, the month celebrates survivors, honors those who lost their battle, and promotes prevention as well as other early detection methods.

Core strength is essential to so many aspects of our health and fitness. When you have a strong core, you are less likely to injure yourself doing daily tasks, your breathing is more efficient, and you can train better if you’re involved in athletic activities. Many people don’t realize that your core is much more than just the ab muscles. Next month, Vessel classes will bring attention to the many different areas of the core and how developing them will help you in the future.


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