about us

At Vessel Pilates, our mission is to cultivate a welcoming, non-judgmental and supportive space for women, helping them heal through the power of movement, nourishing food and self-care. 

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Oh, Laurie! She is so much fun to be around and always has something interesting to share! She knows so many people in the community and is a brilliant entrepreneur. If you’re a small business owner or live in King’s Point, you’ve likely run into her on a regular schedule. If not, we hope you’ve seen her, or will see her, around the studio and say hi! Continue reading to get to know her a little bit better!

Have you met Katie? She’s our newest yoga instructor and she teaches a broad range of classes. Right now, she is teaching in the evenings and even has a class for youth! The wonderful thing about yoga is that everyone has their own styles, so it’s a great idea to try them all. In order to get to know Katie a little better, we decided to do an interview for you. Enjoy!

Amanda joined our studio earlier this year and it’s been such a pleasure to have her in our classes. She fits in so well and her dedication really shows up every time she comes. We are so excited to introduce her to you all and help you get to know a little more about her! […]

Vessel could not be Vessel without its members, so we have decided to start showing our appreciation by giving different members a spotlight shout-out on the blog each month! Because we believe each member is an individual that has so much to bring to our community and should be celebrated for being unique, we’ve put together a little interview to learn more about them.


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