Summertime Milestones

It has been an amazing summer and we’ve loved seeing all the new faces around the studio! While we always love meeting our new members, we also love celebrating our seasoned ones. This summer was full of milestones for several of our regulars.

We know that showing up can be the hardest part of attaining our goals, so it’s important to celebrate when we do. Whether it’s the first time you’ve shown up for the 500th time, it’s a big deal. At Vessel, we want you to know that you’re seen and celebrated.

This summer, we had several members hit 100 classes and one hit 250. That’s huge!

100 Club

Congrats to the members below who hit 100 classes! We love your enthusiasm and commitment to yourself and our studio!

250 Club

250! That’s huge! Congrats to our newest 250 Club members Terez and Shana! It’s wonderful to see you each week and the desire to keep coming!

Keep It up!

To all of you who hit your milestones, you are amazing! Keep up the great work and reach for that next level! Those who didn’t hit a new milestone this summer, we can’t wait to be with you when you do!

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