Back To School Breakfast Ideas

The first week back to school is always a little crazy. People are getting used to the new morning and bedtime routines, kids are still in their summer haze (so are parents…), and getting back on a regular routine can be hard. Since mornings are likely to start out a little rough next week, we’ve put together a list of healthy breakfast ideas to ease the transition.

A great way to prepare for the upcoming week is meal-prepping. While not all foods are as yummy when prepped ahead of time, there are many that you can make over the weekend and pop in the fridge or freezer for later.

Freeze Ahead Ideas

You’re probably well aware of our love for Danielle Walker. If not, feel free to check her out right now! Her waffles are a staple around here and are amazing fresh or toasted after frozen. She has several different recipes – this one is in her book Against all Grain, and they are delicious. Others can be found in her more recent books.

For a sweet treat, these lemon poppy seed muffins hit the spot. Add a little nut butter to them, or pair with an egg or some other protein, and you have an extra special breakfast!

Want something a little more savory? Why don’t you try these cauliflower hashbrowns with a side of eggs and a slice (or two) of bacon? You’ll get some veggies into the kids and they won’t even notice!

Casseroles are always easy to freeze and provide a lot of protein and veggies. Get those days started off right with some of these from our favorite recipe bloggers.

Grab and Go

Make ahead chia pudding and overnight oats are easy things to pop into the fridge for a grab and go meal. You can make them with anything you like, so the possibilities are endless!

Nom Nom Paleo gives a visual step-by-step for creating a perfect chia pudding. You can mix in any fruits or additives that you want.

Wholefully Made gives a great breakdown of why overnight oats are actually better for you than regular oatmeal, and she provides a bunch of ways to change up the flavors!

Egg bites/muffins are a good kickstart your morning. You can change up the flavors so you don’t have the same thing every day, and it’s a good way to sneak in extra (and different) veggies. The sky is the limit with these, but this page from Brit Co. has tons of different ideas for how to get started! Pop them in the fridge and pass them out on the way out the door in the morning.

Have a Great Year!

We hope these meal-prep ideas will help you have a stress-free (or less stressful) back to school week! Hopefully you’ll find these a great addition for the rest of the year! Here’s to a new one!

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