Recipe: Super Green Smoothie

Throughout my health journey over the past 6 years, I have gone through many smoothie phases. I’m such a creature of habit! I’m either a full fledge smoothie drinker or I don’t make them for months at a time. Currently smoothies are a part of my daily menu and during this season it works out well, plus I can hide my supplements in them to make sure I get all the nutrients and trace minerals my body needs.

The great thing about smoothies is the fact that you can change up the ingredients to switch things up a bit. My husband likes to use whatever fruit and veggies we have stocked up and need to consume, while I typically stick to a few of the same staples until I get sick of them. Again, creature of habit here. Right now this super green smoothie is my favorite and is chocked full of vitamins, minerals, and superfoods. Bonus is my son loves them and I can sneak some major greens into his! Win-win!

To make this smoothie, I used the following ingredients and put them all in a blender. We like to use the Nutribullet for personal use or when I am rushing out the door. Otherwise for family smoothies we will use our Vitamix mixer or whatever blender we have on hand.

1 cup Frozen Mixed Fruit: Kiwi, Pineapple and Mango

1/2 – 1 cup fresh baby spinach

2 tsp Welleco Super Elixir Greens

2 scoops of VitalProteins Collagen Peptides or Vanilla Bone Broth Protein

1/2-1 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk (depending on consistency I might have to add a little more)

I then add a couple supplements based on the current protocol I am on with my Functional Medicine Practicioner, Stewarding Life Wellness, and blend it up.

I feel so energized and ready to tackle the day after I finish my smoothie. Plus, I know I started my day filling my body with the nutrients it needs, which then sets me up for good eating habits the remainder of the day. It’s also a great smoothie for after you workout if you’d rather like to eat a solid breakfast, which some days I just crave my Paleo pancakes with fresh berries.

I’d love to hear your favorite smoothie recipe! Feel free to comment below to share! I’d love to try something new!

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