Noah’s Give-A-Gift

As you’re out and about this holiday season, try to take a moment to give to those around you. A little act of kindness can go so much further than you realize and doing something for others can make you feel pretty great as well. December 10 is the day of Noah’s Give-A-Gift and perfect day to do a little extra for someone.

What Is It?

Noah’s Give-A-Gift was created by one of our members, Lindsay Carthen, and her husband to honor the memory of her sweet baby boy, Noah. After passing away suddenly on December 10, the Carthens wanted to do something to preserve Noah’s memory and celebrate his time on Earth. To do that, they created Noah’s Give-A-Gift.

The idea behind it is to do something for someone on December 10 as a way to help honor him. Afterward, share what you did on his page, so the community (and the Carthens) can see how much Noah is still touching those around him. The goal is to make this day one where people look beyond themselves and make someone’s day a little bit better. In doing so, Noah’s legacy will continue.

How Can You Participate?

If you want to participate, it’s pretty easy. All you have to do is look around for some way to give someone a gift on December 10 and then visit Noah’s Give-A-Gift and tell others what you did! It can be as simple as buying someone’s coffee in the morning or dropping some extra cash in a Salvation Army bucket (it is the season after all).

You can also contribute to a nonprofit that’s close to your heart! If you really want to give to March of Dimes or The Red Cross, why not make a donation on December 10?

The sky is the limit when it comes to how to give. It doesn’t matter what you do or how you decide to show your giving spirit that day. All you need to do is remember Noah when you do it. We’d love to hear what you come up with!

What is Vessel Doing?

This year, Vessel is celebrating this wonderful cause by collecting items for Society of St. Stephen (SOSS). We will collect personal hygiene products (shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, deodorant, and bar soap) as well as underwear and socks. On December 10, we will delivery the items to SOSS. If you’d like to donate, please drop off your items to the studio by December 9. We also reserved funds from Giving Tuesday to donate to Addi’s Faith Foundation in honor of Noah’s Give-A-Gift.

Share the Love and Give This December 10

This December 10 share the love and spread cheer in honor of Noah. If you’re not sure what you can do, please drop some of the items listed above to Vessel. Let’s keep Noah’s memory going!

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