Meet Cathy

Q. What is my teaching background? 

C. I took my first Pilates class in 2015 at my Corporate Accounting Job.  The company started a Health and Wellness program and brought in a Pilates Instructor once a week during lunch.  I had not heard of Pilates before but after the first class I was hooked.  I continued taking classes over the years.  In 2019, I decided that I wanted to follow my dream of finding a way to help people live a healthier lifestyle through movement and do something I truly love. I enrolled in a Pilates Teacher Training program and will finish up my first certification in late 2021.  

Q. What is your favorite Pilates move? 

C. I love the Teaser on the mat.  It helps encourage balance, flexibility, and spinal mobility.  All the things that are encompassed in the foundation of Pilates.

Q. What move do I hope to master this year?

C. Teaser on the reformer. Transitioning from the floor to the reformer and the Teaser becomes much more challenging. I am confident that with consistency and a little patience, I will have a beautiful Teaser by the end of the year

Q. What do you hope your students take away from every session with you? 

C. My sincere hope is that each student feels  they have worked hard, felt challenged, and know that with a consistent practice they will  increase their balance, flexibility and improve their spinal mobility. 

Q. What is your current workout routine?  

C. Pilates 3 x a weekRunning 3 x a week1 x Rest day

Q. What is your inspiration?

C. My husband and son. I want to be the best version of myself for them.  I want to lead by example and if you want something bad enough, that you can get it through work hard and determination. 

You can try out Cathy’s Reformer classes by checking our schedule here.

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