Love Your Skin

There isn’t much more pampering than a good skincare routine with good-for-your-skin products. At Vessel, we like to use products natural and free of harmful chemicals. So many of today’s products contain endocrine-disrupting additives that mess with your body’s natural processes. For some great information about where you can find hormone disruptors in everyday items, check out this article from Colby College. By being conscious of what you put on your skin, you’re actually taking care of what is underneath! What better way to show yourself love than caring for your self inside and out?

Some of Our Favorites

We have gathered a list of a few brands that we use ourselves and hope you find something you like from this list!

Nash Jones is a great line that prides itself on its commitment to love: loving ourselves, the earth, and each other. It’s a beautiful company with great products that will make you feel loved! This month, Nash Jones is 40% off at Vessel. You can come into the boutique (we would *love* to see you!) or order online with the code NASHJONES40.

Tree to Tub is a really interesting product that has been in the rotation for a few years now. It’s made from soap berries (did you even know that was a thing??) and they even send you a soap berry with each product and directions for how to make your own soap. They are great for sensitive skin, and their body products are incredibly moisturizing.

Many of you have probably heard of BeautyCounter and its mission to “get safer products into the hands over everyone”, but did you know that BeautyCounter is also a huge advocate to change legislation for the cosmetic industry? While more than 1,400 ingredients for personal care products are banned in the European Union, the U.S. has only noted about 30 products that should be left out of products. That means the personal care industry has the freedom to add whatever they want to products and not even let you know what they are doing! Not only is BeautyCounter a great product, but when you use it, you know you’re supporting a good cause.

A few more great products include:

Honorable Mentions

Since we couldn’t highlight every single brand we love, we decided to keep it to just three because they are so unique. That doesn’t mean we don’t have others that we totally love! Below are some honorable mentions that really are just as great as the ones above if we’re being honest 🙂

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