Mindful Moments

The days are long while staying safely at home. Whether your time is spent entertaining the kids, cleaning the house, working from the couch, our new normal has brought on a little more anxiety than we would like to admit. So we have created a list of ways to decompress and feel more grounded in the moment.

You can do these at any time, but we like to sprinkle 5-10 minutes of mindfulness throughout the day to keep us in the right mindset.

  1. Brew up your favorite coffee or tea. Making yourself a soothing cup of joe or herbal tea in a special mug will create a simple ritual you can look forward upon waking up in the morning. It allows you to press pause and check in with yourself on how you are feeling in that moment.
  2. Head outside barefoot to ground with the earth. Simply standing without shoes on in the grass, sand, or earth can allow us to reconnect with nature. Take a few minutes to then listen to the sounds around you. The wind blowing in the trees, the birds chirping.
  3. Give someone in your household a hug. That instant connection will boost your oxytocin to make you feel happier, healthier, and calmer.
  4. Give yourself some love in the form of self-care. We are huge fans of dry brushing not only because of it’s health benefits, but because it feels amazing on your skin. Just 3-5 minutes a day of dry brushing will help you connect to your body, boost circulation, jumpstart your lymphatic draining system to naturally detox your body, and exfoliate, leaving your skin smoother.
  5. Soak in the tub. A nice warm bubble bath or magnesium flake bath with certain essential oils will leave you feeling relaxed. Drop a couple drops if Lavender EO to help calm the mind and get you ready for bed. Or a couple drops of Peppermint to awaken your senses and help prepare yourself for the day. It’s good for your soul, your muscles, your skin, and your nervous system.
  6. Breathe. Each day Jessica, Vessel Pilates Founder, will stop for a few minutes throughout the day to bring her awareness back to her breath. Just stopping to reconnect with what gives us life is pure magic for your mind. Try inhaling for 5 counts and exhaling for 5 counts to flood your body with plenty of oxygen and strengthening your respiratory muscles at the same time.
  7. Meditate. This can be done anytime during the day, but our favorite is to start our mornings with a few minutes of meditation. 5-10 minutes will give you more headspace to tackle those hard decisions and tasks with a clearer focus. We recommend using apps like Headspace or Calm to guide you through and help you get started.
  8. Start a gratitude journal. It is said by writing down just three things you are grateful for each day will help you think more positively during tougher times. Regardless of social distancing and self-isolation, we can see the good by focusing on the positive things we are to be thankful for.
  9. Chat with a friend. Call someone to tell them how special they are. Our human nature thrives off of social connection and community, even during a pandemic. Pick up your phone and give them a ring! Or even better, Facetime them so you can see each other!
  10. Read a book. Pick something inspirational or a good fictional novel you can lose yourself in for a couple chapters at a time. We love getting lost in a good book, especially on those rainy days!

When all else fails, turn up some good tunes and have a dance party! Moving your body is the best way to get out of a funk, reconnect with yourself, and flood your system with happy hormones!

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