Member Spotlight: Amanda

During this time of social distancing, staying at home, and being mindful of getting out and about, it has shown us here at Vessel Pilates just how much we value our community and appreciate the relationships we have developed throughout the past year. Our greatest reward has been building bonds with our clients and truly investing in their health journey’s.

So every month we want to showcase one of our beautiful members, their experience at Vessel, and a little bit about who they are. Because their stories keep us doing what we do and pouring into their vessels each and every day.

Let’s welcome Amanda! Our very first VP Member Spotlight!

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a wife and mom of three active kiddos. A former fourth grade teacher who left a full time career to focus on my growing family. I now teach at a local preschool and volunteer teaching children’s liturgy at my church.  

Q. How have you adjusted to your new normal?

This situation seems to be ever changing but being able to continue at Vessel has kept me sane. In a world where everything is either cancelled or postponed, Vessel is my normal.

Q. How do you fit movement into your routine?

I make it a priority. Wether it is an in person class, a virtual class or using the rented equipment at home, Vessel has provided a variety of opportunities to fit movement into my routine. 

Q. How has Vessel helped you during this time?

Vessel has helped me during this time by providing an outlet for me to take time for myself. The monthly challenges help motivate me to stay active and try new classes. 

Q. What is your favorite way to destress?

Night classes at Vessel are my favorite way to destress. Night classes followed by a margarita at Chachis are the ultimate way to destress.😂

Q. Any words of advice for other moms?

No matter where you are on your journey of health (even if your journey doesn’t exist yet) take a moment to yourself to clear your mind and breathe. 

Amanda’s favorite move is planking on the Pilates Reformer. Her strength, fun-loving personality, and resilience keeps us inspired here at Vessel.

Leave Amanda some love below by writing a little note in the comments! A huge thank you to Amanda for letting us feature her on our blog!

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  1. Kortnee Gardner says:

    I admire your hard work and dedication at this crazy time! You go girl! We love you!

  2. Maggie Irmiter says:

    Amanda, I love walking up the stairs and seeing that you are in class! You have such a fun personality and are always so positive and supportive! Good vibes❤️


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