Donation Drive for Paige Lewis and Family

Paige and her family on summer vacation

Some of you may have seen Paige’s great smile around the studio. She is a dedicated Vessel member and an even more dedicated mom and foster mom. She and her family have fostered several young children over the years and do everything in their power to provide a loving and safe home for them. They recently received a brand new baby and Vessel is hosting a donation drive for them.

Who Are the Lewises?

Paige and Alden Lewis are Kingwood natives. They have one son named Asher who dotes over all the babies they receive through foster care. Asher also enjoys playing soccer and being outside. The Lewis family loves to travel and has even had the chance to bring a former foster baby with them on their family vacations! After Baby Zach was reunited with his parents, he was still able to join them on this summer’s trip to Colorado!

What Foster Program Do They Use?

Because of their strong faith, Paige and Alden chose a Christian based foster agency called Arrow Child and Family Ministries. Paige truly believes in the healing powers of Jesus and has seen life transformations in some of the families she has helped. It is her biggest prayer that each child will be reunited with healthy parents who are ready to care for their baby.

Arrow Child and Family Ministries was created in 1992 and has a broad range of services for families and children. Their Child and Family Services program offers foster and adoption, psychiatric rehabilitation programming, and behavioral health services. Arrow also provides health-related support to in-need and at-risk families to help offset costs and assist with access to medical supplies.

How Can You Help?

It is hard to plan for a foster child because you never know when you will get the call to take in a new child. The newest baby arrived just out of the hospital at six days old. He is now three weeks and adjusting to his new (temporary) home.

Right now, he is going through a lot of diapers! In addition to diapers, he is on a specialized formula to help with some digestive issues. Any formula is expensive, but special formula is outrageous.

If you would like to help out the Lewis family, you can drop off diapers at Vessel Pilates and we will deliver them to Paige. She is currently in need of size 1 and 2 diapers.

If anyone has access to Neocate formula, please let us know and we will forward that information on to the Lewis family. Any other donations (such as gift cards for diapers) can also be dropped off at Vessel Pilates.

Finally, we have set up a care calendar for the Lewises. Anyone that would like to drop off a meal is welcome to sign up. We have created a care calendar that can be accessed here and enter the security code 3762.

Vessel is a Family

Our members are our family. One of the beautiful things about our studio is that it’s more than a place to work out. It’s incredible to watch you all support each other and become an important part of each other’s lives. You show up when other Vessel members need you, and we can’t wait to see how you show up for the Lewis family.

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