January Reset Halfway Point

You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation

Gordon B. Hinckley

New Years is famous for goals and resolutions. Instead of creating a daunting 365 day goal, we thought it would make more sense to create a solid foundation to start the new year so that our next goals are more attainable. 

For January, we are working to reset our mind, body, and spirit.  To do this, members and staff have chosen to incorporate changes including diet (many staff and members are doing January Whole30), physical strength goals like moving our bodies daily, reading to help our minds, and journaling/praying daily to build our spirit. Each person has made individual goals that they feel will help them truly reset and thrive.

Since the month is halfway over, it’s a great time to see where you are in your personal goals. Where can you measure your successes? Are there areas that could use a little work? If you haven’t had a chance to set some reset goals, it’s never too late! If you need a little encouragement and some community to help hold you accountable, we are here for you! Let us know if you’d like to hop in our on our current challenge!

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